It appears as though it would indeed be possible to build a device powered by 
dark energy. Such a device could keep running forever (as long as the universe 
keeps expanding forever and vacuum decay doesn’t occur) and be able to survive 
(or prevent) the heat death of the universe. Even proton decay would not 
present a problem; new protons could always be created from the energy 

So far I’ve thought of two possible classes of device that could do this. The 
first is the “giant atom”, consisting of two spheres of equal but opposite 
charge orbiting each other at an extremely long distance (long enough that dark 
energy becomes significant). At such a distance, dark energy would cause the 
objects’ orbits to spiral further and further apart. On the other hand, because 
the objects are charged, they radiate away energy as they orbit, and this 
radiation provides a braking force that would cause the objects to spiral 
closer together. If the two effects are perfectly balanced, the orbits would be 
stable and the system would keep radiating away energy forever—energy extracted 
from the acceleration in the universe’s expansion.

The second device consists of an extremely long spring. Due to dark energy, the 
spring experiences a fictitious force pulling it apart. This force is stronger 
when the spring is fully extended, due to the longer distance between the ends. 
Thus an oscillating spring would experience an oscillating force, and have 
energy continually added to it, increasing the amplitude of its oscillations. 
To keep the string from breaking, a mechanism for extracting energy from the 
spring would have to be added, and if energy is extracted at the same rate it 
is added the system would be stable.

As far as I know, neither of these devices has been proposed before in the 
literature; I might have been the first person to come up with them.

Perhaps we should look for signs of these devices being constructed, in the 
event highly advanced alien civilizations might be constructing them. Any 
civilization that constructs such a device would probably qualify as Type IV. 
With infinite energy it’d be possible to do an endless variety of things: run a 
universal dovetailer, or resurrect the dead (simply by resurrecting every 
person who COULD have ever existed, a set that obviously includes every person 
who DID actually exist), etc.

-Mason Green

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