On Friday, November 29, 2019 at 2:49:17 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> On Friday, November 29, 2019 at 12:33:26 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> In any case, in the case of MWI, in the types of examples Sean Carroll 
>> talks about, here's a concrete case:
>> *In one branch, Sean Carroll goes out for a jog around the park.*
>> *In another branch, Sean Carroll; stays home and takes a nap.* 
>> I don't see how the two Seans (running, napping) are in "superposition", 
>> or how Sean's energy is distributed to and within these two worlds.
>> @philipthrift
> It really is not so much that a person is in a superposition than the 
> quantum particles and states that compose them are.
> LC 

In the MWI branch world Jog where Sean is jogging and in the branch world 
Nap where Sean is napping, the jogging-Sean particles in Jog and the 
napping-Sean particles in Nap are in superposition. 

Then there is another branching of Jog where Sean is hit by a car 
Jog-HitByCar and one where he isn't Jog-NotHitByCar. Particles in 
superpositions: Nap, Jog, Jog-HitByCar, Jog-NotHitByCar, ...

This seems like it should make no sense.


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