*Stabilizing the no-boundary proposal sheds light on the universe's quantum 
by Lisa Zyga ,

One idea for how the universe began is that the universe may have appeared 
out of nothing due to some quantum effect, such as quantum tunneling. In 
the 1980s, Stephen Hawking and James Hartle further elaborated on this idea 
by suggesting that time did not exist before the beginning of the universe, 
leading them to conclude that the universe has no initial boundary 
conditions on either time or space. The idea is called the "no-boundary 
proposal" or the "Hawking-Hartle state."

However, precisely describing how a physical system can transition from 
zero size to a finite size has been challenging. To describe the quantum 
effects involved, physicists use the path integral formulation, which 
involves rewriting a single classical trajectory as an integral over many 
possible trajectories, resulting in a quantum amplitude.

Although the path integral formulation is successful at describing how 
something can emerge from nothing, one major problem is that it predicts 
unstable perturbations, implying that the universe is highly non-homogenous 
and non-isotropic. As the universe is known to be approximately both 
homogenous and isotropic (meaning that it looks the same in all locations 
and from all directions), as stated by the cosmological principle, the path 
integral formulation doesn't accurately describe the observed universe. 
This has led some scientists to conclude that the no-boundary proposal 
cannot provide an accurate description of the universe's origins.

Now in a new paper, physicists Alice Di Tucci and Jean-Luc Lehners at the 
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) 
in Potsdam, Germany, have shown that the path integral formulation can be 
used in a way that avoids instabilities, while still providing a consistent 
definition of the no-boundary proposal.

"I think that the biggest significance is that our new definition does not 
describe the emergence of the universe from a complete absence of space and 
time," Lehners told "Rather, the new mathematical conditions, 
that we had to impose to avoid instabilities, can be interpreted as saying 
that there existed already fluctuations of space and time. This is in fact 
what one might expect from quantum theory in any case, as the quantum 
uncertainty principle implies that there should always be fluctuations, 
presumably even of space and time."

The new proposal combines several ideas that have previously been suggested 
to overcome the problem with instabilities. Their work essentially changes 
the geometry of the space over which the path integral is defined. The path 
integral, which represents the state of the universe at a certain time, 
passes through certain critical points called saddle points, which 
correspond to possible Hawking-Hartle states.

However, most of these saddle points are unstable. One of the most 
important changes the physicists made in the new paper was to modify the 
boundary conditions on the entire geometry (by using Robin boundary 
conditions) to remove the unstable saddle points from the path of the path 
integral. In the new geometry, the path integral passes through only one 
saddle point, which is stable, therefore avoiding the problem with 
instabilities. At this stable saddle point, there exists a Hawking-Hartle 
state that satisfies the no-boundary proposal.

By demonstrating a stable method for formulating the no-boundary proposal, 
the results may lead to a rethinking of the idea as a description for the 
origins of the universe. Still, there are many questions that remain.

"In the future we plan to see how robust our new definition is when 
incorporating aspects from string theory, which is the most advanced 
attempt at a full theory of quantum gravity," Lehners said. "Also, we plan 
to explore whether other stable definitions of the no-boundary proposal 
might exist, or whether our new one is in some sense unique. And a big 
question that remains is whether we could deduce any testable/observable 

More information: Alice Di Tucci and Jean-Luc Lehners. "No-Boundary 
Proposal as a Path Integral with Robin Boundary Conditions." Physical 
Review Letters.


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