It took a while for me to get to this. The formula f_k(k) = f(k)+1 and g 
such that you get 0 = 1 appears to be the contradiction one gets with the 
enumeration of all Gödel numbers. This illustrates in Gödel's first theorem 
that no axiomatic system can determine its consistency. 

I am not sure about the claims with respect to the ontology of mathematics. 
Gödel made statements about how his theorems indicated there is an 
objective reality to mathematics. I do not disagree with mathematics as 
objective, but on the other hand I am not sure this is a clear 
demonstration of that. The objective or epistemological nature of 
mathematics is something we endlessly debate. 


On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 11:26:08 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Hi Philip, Hi Bruce, and possible others,
> If I remind well, you have defended the idea that mathematics is a 
> language, and that there is no mathematical reality others that convention 
> of language. 
> In my opinion, this does not make sense, even without the Church-Turing 
> thesis. But I realise that with the Church-Thesis, it is easy to understand 
> that the mathematical reality kicks back in a way enforcing some amount of 
> realism. It helps also to understand that in computer science, there are 
> many theorems which are “machine independent” (to use the computer science 
> terminology), and this means that the results concerns all programming 
> language. That gives examples of general truth which are independent of the 
> formalism and language used to express them.
> The reason is fundamental, and shows how much incompleteness by itself is 
> an example where the mathematical, even the arithmetical, reality kicks 
> back: quite a lot!
> I very often present the reasoning which follows. Sometimes my motivation 
> for it is more limited, to “just” show that the Church-Turing thesis (CT) 
> is …a thesis, to oppose those who sometimes defend the idea that CT is only 
> a definition (of what is computable).
> Indeed, incompleteness is a direct consequence of CT.
> I need you to accept that not set S can have a subset SS with more element 
> that itself. SS included in S implies that the cardinality of SS is smaller 
> or equal than the cardinality of S. This is obvious, but with infinite set, 
> we have to be careful. I will not prove this, and refer you to 
> cantor-Bernstein Theorem, from which it follows “easily”.
> So, in particular, a subset of an enumerable set cannot be a non 
> enumerable set. OK? I define a set S to be enumerable if it exists a 
> bijection between S and N (N = the set of natural numbers).
> CT is the thesis that a function f from N to N is computable iff f is 
> computable by an expression in their language (claimed to be universal: 
> they both agree and have proven that their language are equivalent.
> *Theorem: CT entails Incompleteness*
> I need a lemma. 
> Lemma: The set of finite words build on a finite alphabet is enumerable.
> Indeed, take a finite alphabet, like {a, b}, you can enumerate the set of 
> all finite words by enumerating them simply by their length, and generate 
> alphabetically the words which have the same length. On the alphabet {a, 
> b}, you get in this way the bijection
> 0 ———————————— a
> 1 ———————————— b
> 2 ———————————— aa
> 3 ———————————— ab
> 4 ———————————— ba
> 5 ———————————— bb
> 6 ———————————— aaa
> 7 ———————————— aab
> …
> The same idea works for any finite set (alphabet), like a …z, aa, ab, … 
> zz, aaa, aab, ...
> Imposing a syntax on the words, like in the alphabet {a, b, =}, would only 
> diminish the number of words, and an’t augment the cardinality of the set 
> (of all words on some finite alphabet). That ordering on finite alphabet is 
> called the lexicographical ordering.
> By a (formal) language, I mean the given of an alphabet, and some easily 
> checkable grammar. An expression is a grammatically correct word.
> Now it is easy to give an intuitive, informal definition of what is a 
> computable function defined on N and with values in N.
> The idea is that a function from N to N is computable means that there is 
> an expression, finite thus and written in some language, explaining how to 
> compute its values in a finite time, with a finite result.
> That makes the set of computable functions from N to N being enumerable.
> Now, that looks eminently epistemological? Explaining to Who? How could we 
> be sure that the functions computable in French are the same than the 
> function computable by the English? They disagree already on the sign of 0. 
> Here the idea is that we can decompose the explanation on elementary steps 
> on which everyone agree that they are indeed quite simple.
> The question is, is there a universal language which expressions exist to 
> compute all computable functions from N to N?
> CT asserts yes, and provides precise mathematical candidates. 
> But even before betting on that answer, we can understand that IF such a 
> universal language exists,* it will have to compute much more than the 
> computable functions from N to N.* It will have to be able to compute 
> also the functions defined only on subsets of N, and undefined out of that 
> subset. And worse, the expressions denoting the computable function from N 
> to N, will have to be ordered in a *necessarily non computable way* among 
> the expressions in that universal language.
> Imagine (to make a reduction ad absurdum) that L is a universal language 
> enumerating *only* the computable functions from N to N. We get a 
> correspondence, maybe with repetition of the computable functions from N to 
> N, by enumerating the grammatically correct expression.We get a computable 
> bijection between N and the computable functions from N to N.
> Let us write f_n for the function from N to N computed by nth expression. 
> Now, the function g defined by g(n) = f_n(n) + 1 is computable, and is 
> defined on all N. So it is a computable function from N to N. It is 
> computable because it each f_n is computable, “+ 1” is computable, and, vy 
> our hypothesis it get all and only all computable functions from N to N.
> But then, g has have itself an expression in that universal language, of 
> course. There there is a number k such that g = f_k. OK?
> But then we get that g_k, applied to k has to give f_k(k), as g = f_k, and 
> f_k(k) + 1, by definition of g. 
> So f_k(k) = f_k(k) +1.
> And f_k(k) has to be number, given that we were enumerating functions from 
> N to N. So we can subtract f_k(k) on both sides, and we get 0 = 1. CQFD.
> If we keep our belief that a universal language exists, it has to compute 
> other objects, and insert  the expressions of the computable functions in a 
> non computable way (if not you can filter out those other objects, and 
> enumerate again only (but all) computable functions.
> Accepting that the universal language enumerates more than the functions 
> from N to N saves the situation, the proof above, made on the phi_i (the 
> enumeration of the mix of functions from N to N and functions from subset 
> of N to N), shows only that the corresponding function “g” is such that 
> g(k) = phi_k(k) = phi_k(k) + 1, and in this case it means that phi_k(k) is 
> not defined, and g is not a function from N to N, but from a subset of N to 
> N. No contradiction, and CT remains consistent.
> This means that, with CT, and thus with the mathematical definition of 
> computable functions, obtained by CT,  the set of computable functions, 
> although enumerable, is not recursively or computably enumerable. Like for 
> provability, you have the choice to stay in the “total” domains, with 
> functions everywhere defined, and extends them in the (constructive) 
> transfinite, or you can transcend it, but then the partial (defined only on 
> subset) is mixed in a non computable way, with the total functions, and you 
> are in front of the unknown: you get situation where you don’t know what 
> the machine is computing.
> That shows that any theory capable of talking about those universal 
> languages and their expressions are irremediably incomplete.
> Gödel’s incompleteness mainly uses this showing the Turing universality of 
> elementary arithmetic, and indeed of the necessary partialness of the 
> arithmetical provability predicate. This means tat the realism implied by 
> CT applies to arithmetic. That is what Kleene has made explicit with its 
> Kleene predicate.
> The truth about the behaviour of the expressions, that is the (halting or 
> not) computations is far larger than what can be proved in any effective 
> theory. Then, all this is true also for the machine with Oracles, and this 
> makes possible to study mathematically the degrees of unsolvability of the 
> problem in arithmetic, and in analysis (descriptive set theory).
> There is a bit of more work to prove the unsolvability of the halting 
> problem, and indeed being the code of a total function is of a higher 
> degree of unsolvability than the halting problem. I can do that another 
> day. 
> Gödel, with his own admission, missed CT. After accepting it, he called 
> miracle the closure of the formalism of computability for the diagonal 
> procedure, transforming the paradoxes into non stopping machine. The 
> miracle is the immunity of the notion of computation for the diagonal 
> procedure. It is a bit like a sort of God has to put those codes in a very 
> complex way among the digital machines. (In fact the set of such codes is 
> PI_2 complete, equivalent with qG).
> With Indexical Digital Mechanism, (YD + CT), we have a simple ontological 
> realm (any model of any first order completely theory without induction 
> axioms), and we get an explanation of why we will still need an infinity of 
> axioms to get the internal phenomenologies, including the stable measurable 
> sharable quanta appearances, and the non sharable first person singular 
> qualia experiences.
> The digital mechanist thesis makes the dream argument rigorous, and 
> constructive, and testable, and rather well confirmed by contemporary 
> physics, up to now. 
> Strictly speaking invoking a god or a “material universe" at this stage is 
> a bit premature. With mechanism, this would be like invoking a precise 
> universal number with a precise oracle, and is at the antipode, needless to 
> say, of the original “everything” philosophy of this list (supposedly). 
> Anyone can ask precision. Even what is a function. The beauty of this is 
> that you dot need any sophisticated mathematics: only finite numbers and 
> words, and elementary succession of simple action/relation.
> Bruno

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