On 6/6/2020 5:13 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:

On Saturday, June 6, 2020 at 6:10:46 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

    On 5 Jun 2020, at 23:36, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com
    <javascript:>> wrote:

    ref (article by Jim Baggott):



    Jim Baggott Retweeted
    Philip Ball @philipcball
    "The “collapse of the wavefunction” was never part of the
    Copenhagen interpretation because the wavefunction isn’t
    interpreted realistically." I have been trying to get this point
    across for ages; I really hope Jim has more success.

    Quote Tweet

    Jim Baggott @JimBaggott
    No, the Copenhagen interpretation does not entail the collapse of
    the wavefunction.

    Then, if I look at a spin in the 1/sqrt(2) (up + down), with a
    {up, down} measuring device, I am myself in a superposition state,
    if the wave does not collapse.
    Non collapse entails many world, or better many dreams. In that
    case there is no collapse, but also no waves needed, as it has to
    be explained by 2+2=4 & Co.


The best comment by a physicists (Associate Professor, Monash University) in the discussion thread:

The wavefunction is not a physical thing - so whether it collapses is irrelevant.

At least one physicist not  brainwashed into the current religion.

Baggott and also Hosenfelder seem to be endorsing an epistemic interpretation like QBism, but they don't directly discuss the problems with it.


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