On Saturday, June 13, 2020 at 5:30:15 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 3:54 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> On 13-06-2020 02:57, Bruce Kellett wrote:
>> > 
>> >> My point is that your arguments are
>> >> totally flawed. You stated that a free field theory is analogous to
>> >> a set of independent harmonic oscillators in real space, which is
>> >> nonsense as they are coupled via the (nabla phi)^2 term, it's only in 
>> k-space
>> >> that you have independent oscillators.
>> > 
>> > Momentum space and position space are related by a Fourier transform.
>> > Are you claiming that a Fourier transform violates the conservation
>> > laws?
>> By taking the Fourier transform to decouple the osscilators, you are no 
>> longer considering the local energy. Your argument was that because a 
>> free field theory is basically the same as a collection of 
>> noninteracting SHOs, the fact that energy is conserved means that there 
>> cannot be local fluctuations. But each such independent SHO in k-space 
>> isn't localized in real space. In real space the oscillators are coupled 
>> by the (nabla phi)^2 term and local energy momentum conservation does 
>> invilve a transfer of energy and momentum from one oscillator to 
>> another.
> There seems to be something wrong with this. QFT is equivalent to a 
> picture in which there are independent SHOs at every point in space. If 
> these are all in their lowest energy state, then the field is in its lowest 
> energy state. Excitation of one or more of the oscillators corresponds to 
> the presence of more energy (and particles). The higher energy 
> configuration can be analysed in terms of the modes, which are the plane 
> waves of determinate wavelength. If you start with a smooth field with all 
> the oscillators in their ground state, this lowest energy configuration 
> persists until some energy is added from somewhere.
> A simple analogy can be given in terms of the surface of a body of water, 
> such as a lake or the sea. If there is a "mirror calm", the surface is 
> completely smooth, and we have the state of lowest energy. This will 
> persist until some energy is added, say from the wind. This can cause 
> ripples which, once formed, will persist in the absence of a driving force 
> until friction dissipates the energy as heat. Adding more energy results in 
> bigger waves, until we can have the massive energy input that is seen in 
> storms.
> The lesson I am trying to draw is that ripples on the surface of a lake 
> (waves) cannot arise spontaneously -- they require some energy input, say 
> from the coupling of the wind with the surface of the water. The same is 
> true in inflation. You start off with a uniformly smooth (classical) 
> inflaton field, with the same energy everywhere. Variations in the field, 
> or variations in local energy density, cannot arise spontaneously, they 
> require some energy input from outside. Since quantum fluctuations are 
> assumed to be internal to the field, they cannot add this required energy, 
> so the variations in energy density cannot arise from quantum fluctuations. 
> Quantum fluctuations, insofar as these exist as disconnected Feynman loops, 
> do not have any energy, and do not contribute to any physical effects.
> In the Wikipedia article on quantum fluctuations, these fluctuations are 
> said to be a temporary change in the amount of energy at a point in space 
> as explained in the HUP. This is, of course, nonsense, since the 
> uncertainty principle does not suggest any such thing. The time-energy form 
> of the UP:
>         Delta-t*Delta-E >= hbar/2,
> is an inequality. The normal story is that this allows a particle to 
> "borrow" and amount of energy Delta-E from the vacuum provided it pays this 
> amount back in the time allowed by the UP. Unfortunately, the inequality is 
> in the wrong direction for this to make sense. If we "borrow" and amount of 
> energy Delta-E, the the UP says that the uncertainty in time (the time 
> within which the energy must be paid back) is
>          Delta-t  >=  hbar/(2*Delta-E).
> Which means that Delta-t is unbounded above -- it can take on any 
> arbitrarily large value and still be consistent with the UP. If true, this 
> would mean that energy conservation is impossible (since the vacuum could 
> randomly fluctuate into states of arbitrarily high energy that persisted 
> for arbitrarily long times.) This is contrary to observation, so one of the 
> input assumptions must be wrong. The only relevant input 
> assumption (apart from the UP) is that "borrowing" energy from the vacuum 
> makes sense. Since such an assumption leads to results in manifest 
> contradiction with experience, the assumption must be wrong.
> Consequently, the usual mythology about quantum fluctuations is not true.

*But isn't there factually undeniable, empirical evidence that if one 
repeatedly measures the vacuum energy at some position in space, it 
changes, aka "fluctuates"?  AG*

> So quantum fluctuations cannot cause spatial variations in the field.
>> False, this doesn't follow from the above. Also it the opposite has been 
>> demonstrated in a massive body of literature on this subject to which 
>> thousands of experts who are all extremely well versed in QFT have 
>> contributed to.
> Can you point me to some recent key papers?
> Bruce

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