How do you rate this D-Wave claim as it's know that entanglements yield no 
successful operations? The company produces entanglements, but little 1/0's. I 
hold that when IBM or Honeywell claims 48 qubits per sec, it is not an empty 
claim? Maybe I am wrong, but DWave's qubits are empty operations apparently. It 
obviously produces some successful operations otherwise no customers (NASA?). 
Also,there is the claim by some that when we break 100 qubits per sec, things 
in the real world start looking like The Jetsons or Trek. The impact on 
engineering and chemistry, as it were?

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Thrift <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 1, 2020 6:53 am
Subject: D-Wave's 5000 qubit computer


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