As for your concluding comments. you appear to have forgotten that people 
are free to practice what ever religion they desire. It is in the 

It is not hard to put up a monument to the 10 Commandments, but hard to put 
up one of Baphomet

[image: baphomet.jpg]

On Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 3:28:48 PM UTC-5 medinuclear wrote:

> *From:*   *On Behalf Of *Philip Benjamin 
>* Subject:* [Consciousness-Online] 
> *[Philip Benjamin] *
> *      Resurrection 2022   Philip Benjamin*
> Finale for faith fulfillment’s finishing facet
> Imminent indeed is invigorating investiture 
> Risen Redeemer reassures ready regeneration
> Spirit-soul, soma sintered solidly, sealed secure  
> Transcendent Truth transforming temporality
> Damned dense dirt didn’t detain the Dayspring   
> Atonement assures awakening and abode aloft
> Yearn yea yawn, yet Yahweh yoke yields yeoman
> *Philip Benjamin* 
>               [*Michelle Goldberg*] NY Times 
> <>
> By Michelle Goldberg Opinion Columnist July 9, 2021 
>  “In 2020, as in every year since 2013, the largest religious group in 
> the United States was the religiously unaffiliated... ” 
>    Journalist Goldberg does not know or cannot acknowledge that for the 
> first time in the annals of history, a Constitutional Republic was 
> established in the New World out of “98.8% Protestants (mostly Puritans), 
> 1% Roman Catholics and 0.2% Jews”, thanks to the “*Two Great Awakenings*”, 
> whom the Koran would call “people of the Book”.  Dictator Marxist pagan 
> Joseph Stalin who coined the phrase (“American Exceptionalism”) also could 
> not recognize that fact, either.
>    The First Great Awakening (1703-17) was led by the Philosopher Jonathan 
> Edwards, the founder of Princeton University. Yale's president Timothy 
> Dwight started a campus revival and is recognized as initiating the Second 
> Great Awakening (1816). African American “Harry Hosier” (1784) delivers his 
> sermon to a Caucasian congregation, The first African American Denomination 
> church was formed In 1801-1802, by the Great Awakening. 
> <>
> .  What would the WAMP (*defined below*) have preferred as founding 
> generation? 98.8% Atheists? Humanists? Alternate life styles? “The Nones”? 
> The Anarchists? (No Marxist-Socialist-Fascist pagans existed in those 
> days). The word “Fundamentalism” was respectable then, until the WAMP 
> started their ill informed and biased ridicule. It was substituted by the 
> word “Evangelicalism” which is now under siege by journalist Goldberg and 
> her ilk. There is nothing new about this word which has Patriarchal, 
> Prophetic and Apostolic imprimatur, beginning with *Genesis 3:15.*  This* 
> “protoevangelium”* is expounded in *Romans chapter 5* by Rabbi Saul of 
> Tarsus. Augustine, Aquinas, Augustinian monk Martin Luther, John Newton, 
> William Wilberforce (British MP), Isaac Newton, Michel Faraday, Thomas 
> Young, etc. etc. all products of that “awakening”.
> *Philip Benjamin   *
> *(Nonconformist to Global Marxist paganism)*
> *Cc:* Everything List 
> *Subject:* An Ululation. Who Stole the 
> Sabbath? WHAMP-the-Ingrate  
>    *An Ululation on Stolen Sabbath, Sabbatical *
> *Philip Benjamin* *2-22-22*.
> Show, say: Sabbath, Sabbatical, surely sola Scriptura sources  
> Although acculturated; astoundingly authoritative assertions  
> But blatantly bastardized by bias-bastions, brutish billionaires
> By bumptious books, bragging brats, boring befuddled brains 
> Avidly acknowledged and ascertained as astrometric anomalies 
> Terrestrially tacit, taken to tattered tactless transmundane towers
> *Philip Benjamin    *
>              *Note:** Transmundane towers = Ivory 
> towers                       *
> *Woke/Cancel Culture? Will The WAMP Cancel Stolen Sabbath?*
> *Bio dark-matter chemistry = Chemical bonds = Spin governed particle 
> configurations of duet and octet.*
> *AC = Awakened or Augustinian Consciousness** by instrumentality of the 
> Scriptures (Patriarchal, Prophetic, Apostolic).     *
> *UC = Un-awakened or Un-Augustinian Consciousness**, governed by natural 
> inclinations. *
> ** 
> <>
> WAMP-the-Ingrate = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, 
> the stealing beneficiary
> [*Philip Benjamin]* 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> *Is the West Becoming Pagan Again? *
> <>
> *Paganism in 21st-century Europe – what’s the attraction?* 
>     Paganism is well established in a number of European countries 
> including Sweden, the Netherlands and Britain, where the Home Office 
> recognised it as a bona fide religion in 1971; one of the practical 
> implications of that official recognition is that prisoners can ask to be 
> visited by Pagan chaplains. As well as having a website, the British Pagan 
> Federation produces the quarterly ‘Pagan Dawn’.
> -- 
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> "Consciousness-Online" group.
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> .

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