On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 6:40 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> and there is lack of sufficient evidence (going by your explanation) is
> that Trumpo is so stupid, that he cannot even perform a proper, Coup d'
> Etat.*

There is an ocean of evidence that Trump is dumb as a brick, and months
before the 2016 election I publicly predicted that if he won in 2016 he
would stage a coup d'état to stay in power if he lost the 2020 election,
and events proved me to be absolutely correct. Trump has only one great
virtue, he is stupid, my great fear is that the next Mussolini wannabe will
be just as evil as Trump but much smarter, somebody like Ted Cruz or Josh

*>  No Coup, because it was a setup by the FBI and Justice Department as a
> honey trap on Facebook.*

So I guess even Trump had to take orders from the FBI, so when they ordered
him to send a tweet telling his minions to come to Washington on January 6
and to give a speech on the morning of that day commanding them to march on
the capital Trump saluted the FBI and shouted *SIR YES SIR*!

Spud, if anyone ever wants evidence that you live deep inside a reality
distortion field all one would need to do would be to point to the above
quote of yours.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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