On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 11:20 AM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

* > It comes down to who do one distrust the most? Fauci, not so much.*

As opposed to who? Fox News? Newsmax? Donald Trump? Some crackpot Internet
blogger who knows how to type but has no other ability? I'd rather trust
Dr. Fauci (who has risked his life hundreds of times by humanely treating
patients with gruesome and extremely contagious diseases) and the Center
For Disease Control, they both make mistakes when they try to figure out
what a newly discovered disease will do, but when they do they admit their
errors and update their recommendations. Unlike the former president they
really try to get it right, and they do not tell lies with the frequency of
a machine gun.

* > Does pfizer kill young people? *


*> Who controls the US Senate?*

Thanks to the filibuster Antidemocrats control the Senate, nothing gets
done there that they don't like, and if Biden, being a Democrat, likes
something then ipso facto they do not.

*> For me, anything that assists human survival, and American existance, is
> something that gains my interest.*

Then why the hell do you want to hand over the keys to a nuclear
ballistic missile
submarine to an unstable semiliterate dictator wannabe *AGAIN*?! Is it
because of his alleged "comic timing''?

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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