Now this, I fully expected LC. My point is not a personal sales pitch to 
yourself, but rather a n acknowledgement that Autodidactic is getting a review. 
I couldn't even set the parameters on how we'd test this? I like crap like this 
because it has something more for the serfs, rather than only the doyens of 
physics and mathematics. I never thought it would thrill you or Dr. Sabine for 
that matter. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 26, 2022 5:41 am
Subject: Re: Information conservation and irreversibility

I do not think much of this idea that the universe is sentient.

On Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 8:53:01 PM UTC-5 wrote:

Ah, LC, your colleague Sabine Hossenfelder has given forth on the autodidactic 
universe. She doesn't hold with it but still enriches the knowledge base.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Mon, Aug 22, 2022 6:34 am
Subject: Re: Information conservation and irreversibility

On Sunday, August 21, 2022 at 2:03:41 PM UTC-5 wrote:

 On 8/21/2022 4:22 AM, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
  On Friday, August 5, 2022 at 6:14:42 PM UTC-5 Bruce wrote:
   On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 7:54 AM Jesse Mazer <> wrote:
 Why do you say it's irreversible in principle? Wouldn't the time-reverse of 
that just be a photon traveling towards an atom and being absorbed, which is 
permitted by the laws of physics given a different set of initial boundary 
      The laws of physics are invariant under the time-reversal operation. That 
does not imply that irreversible processes are impossible. Brent has pointed 
out that sending a photon out into an expanding universe is a process that is 
irreversible in principle. The time invariance of the laws means that a photon 
coming in from outer space is consistent with the laws. But that cannot be the 
same photon. The idea that you can surround everything with a perfectly 
reflecting mirror, so that all emitted photons are returned, is just a fanciful 
diversionary tactic -- no such reflective surrounds exist. Besides, reflecting 
photons back is not a process reversal in an expanding universe. The red shift 
induced by the expansion means that the returning photon inevitably has lower 
energy than the emitted photon. 
  It is the case of a billiard ball impacting another vs a set of racked 
billiard balls. If I were to take a video of a billiard ball impacting another, 
framed this in the center of mass of the balls and mask any perception of the 
rotation of the balls, the video run backwards and forwards would by very 
similar. There would be nothing to distinguish the forwards and backwards 
video. It is perfectly time reverse invariant. Now consider the racked balls 
impacted by the cue-ball. It is pretty easy to see which is forwards in time, 
as we do not expect balls to rush inwards and align themselves in an ordered 
set and eject another. However, if the table were "perfect," it had 
frictionless surface and the balls reflected off the sides perfectly, if we 
wait long enough it will return to its original state. This is Poincare 
recurrence. You have to wait a lot longer than the duration of the universe so 
  The same happens with quantum mechanics. There is a Poincare recurrence, 
given by the exponential of the Euclideanized action. However, there is an 
additional phase, which defines the quantum complexity and the recurrence time 
on that is the exponential of the Poincare recurrence time.   
 Is that in some thermodynamic limit?  There is no chaos in QM so I would 
expect the recurrence time to be bounded by that.  Do you have a reference?

Look up Susskind arXiv:1810.11563v1 [hep-th] 27 Oct 2018 .

  Quantum complexity is interesting, and I think it involves the Hilbert-Polya 
conjecture concerning the Riemann zeta function and the zeros being mapped to 
the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator. In this case the recurrence is a vast 
period of time, as long as the stability of the de Sitter manifold of the 
  In effect we have limitations on what we can observe and account for, but 
ultimately the universe may have an accounting of quantum information, at least 
for unitary systems and quantum gravitation with Petrov types that have Killing 
vectors. When it comes to the universe at large, that may be a different 
matter. Such ideas may turn out to be false. 

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