On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 5:56 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> Woodward and Bernstein created deep throat out of whole cloth, and then
> attributed it to Mark Felt.*

Wow, you've served us up heaping plates of nonsense before but this is
something special, this is undiluted, triple distilled, extra virgin *BULLSHIT!
* It's been 50 years and history has made its judgment, what Woodward and
Bernstein said was almost entirely true and what Nixon said was almost
entirely lies.

And for goodness sake's spud, Woodward has a recording of Trump saying in
his own voice that what he is giving him is top-secret. So you're asking us
to believe you and not our own ears.

> *I hated Nixon, but in comparison to George McGovern, he was better.*

Although there were other issues by far the principal issue of the 1972
presidential campaign was the Vietnam war, it was certainly uppermost in my
mind because at the time I was of draft age and had no wish to be shipped
12,000 miles away so I could slogg through flooded rice fields while being
shot at; I knew the student deferment was unfair but I did not hesitate to
take advantage of it and I'm glad I did because it probably saved my life.
Lyndon Johnson started that war but about a third of the deaths that
occurred during it happened during the Nixon administration, and by then it
was obvious to nearly everybody that the war was lost, I think it was even
obvious to Nixon. George McGovern said we should end the war immediately
and just get out, when asked how he responded with "in ships", and I liked
that, I liked that a lot. Nixon said we shouldn't do that because it was
undignified, ( and it would've been but it's always undignified when you
lose a war), and because it would mean that all the American soldiers that
have already died would've died for nothing, (and his solution turned out
to be cause 15,000 more American soldiers dying for nothing ).  And Nixon
said the main reason we shouldn't just get out is the completely
discredited "Domino Theory ", the idea that if one nation in Southeast Asia
went communist every nation would.  Well Vietnam did end up going communist
as I think everybody in 1972 knew it would but it didn't result in
worldwide communism, instead the entire USSR disintegrated about a decade
later because communism is an inherently inefficient economic system and
provides fertile ground for corruption. The US lost the Vietnam war but
today I don't believe we would've been one bit better off if we had won it.

You say Nixon was better than McGovern, but was he 15,000 American lives
better, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives better, and hundreds of
billions of dollars better?

 > *Policies matter far more than personalities*

I don't like Trump's Anti-NATO policy. I don't like Trump's policy of
trusting Vladimir Putin more than his own CIA. I don't like Trump's policy
of blackmailing Ukraine. I don't like Trump's policy of lowering the taxes
on the ultra mega super rich. I don't like Trump's policy of ignoring a
pandemic and pretending we could just continue on as usual and
insisting nothing
disastrous was happening. I don't like Trump's policy of never telling the
truth. I don't like Trump's policy of giving ridiculous and downright
dangerous medical advice. I don't like Trump's policy of instigating a coup
d'état and trying to destroy the Constitution.

Oh, and I'm not a big fan of Trump's personality either.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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