There are two different paths that I think could bring on the singularity,
AI and Nanotechnology, today I want to talk about Nanotechnology,
particularly the top down variety used by the semiconductor chip industry
rather than the bottom up path proposed by Eric Drexler.  Chipmakers use
light to edge patterns onto silicon, the smaller the wavelength of light
the smaller the pattern they can etch. Until just a few months ago the
smallest wavelength of light used was 193 nanometers in the Deep
Ultraviolet range made with a Fluorine Argon laser (visible light ranges
from red at 750 nm to violet at 380 nm). Very recently the Dutch company
ASML started to sell Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography machines to chip
makers that use 13.5 nm light from vaporized Tin. ASML has a complete
monopoly on these super advanced and super complex machines because they
were the only company willing to take the risk of spending vast amounts of
money for well over a decade to develop them, it's so expensive nobody else
is even trying to make something comparable; and the way their machines
work is amazing.

The first thing you need to do is make a bright point source of Extreme
Ultraviolet light, nobody has been able to make a laser with a wavelength
that short and synchrotron radiation is not a point source, but when Tin is
vaporized it has a bright spectral line at 13.5 nm, so they decided to use
that.  50 thousand times a second a tiny droplet of molten tin is fired
into the machine at 80 meters a second. Each droplet is then hit twice by
two different lasers, the first laser pulse is low power and comes from a
YAG laser of the type used in eye surgery, it reshapes the tin droplet from
a sphere to a concave sheet, to do this the laser must hit it at exactly
the right instant or the droplet will be at the wrong orientation. The
second laser pulse is far more powerful and is in the 10 mm infrared region
and comes from a 25 kW carbon dioxide laser which is 5 times as powerful as
lasers that are commonly used to cut steel,  this vaporizes the Tin droplet
and produces a flash of 250 watts of 13.5 nanometer light. Without that
first laser pulse that reshapes the Tin droplet the EUV output would be
less than 10 watts. One significant problem they had to overcome was that
the vaporized Tin tended to land on the delicate optical surfaces and
degrade their performance, they eventually solved that problem by
introducing a very small amount of hydrogen into the laser reaction chamber
instead of having a hard vacuum.

You can't use any lenses if you're dealing with EUV light (they're really
soft x-rays) because glass, sapphire, diamond or any known substance would
just absorb the light, so your only alternative is to use mirrors instead
and even those are not easy to make. Each machine needs 6 mirrors a meter
wide made with an accuracy of less than a 10^-12 meters ( a thousandth of a
billionth of a meter),  they're the most perfect mirrors human beings have
ever made, and they must be coated with 50 layers of molybdenum and silicon
to reflect light with such a small wavelength, even then each of the six
mirrors only reflect about 70% if the light that falls on them, and that
severely reduces the amount of light you can actually use to etch things,
that's why the point source has to be so bright.

Right now the only EUV Lithography Machine in the world is ASML's NXD360D.
It costs $160 million, is the size of a school bus weighs about 200 tons
and has a Numerical Aperture of 0.33 (a dimension list number that
determines how much light a lens or mirror can bring to a focus) it can
produce a 26 nm pitch (the minimum center-to-center distance between lines
that connect circuit elements), it can make about 160 wafers an hour, after
manufacture each wafer is worth about $17,000. A typical chip fabrication
plant will need several dozen of these machines.

The resolution a lithography machine can produce is proportional to  (light
wavelength)/ 2* ( Numerical Aperture)   so a mirror (or lens)  with a
larger numerical aperture will be able to print finer details onto silicon
than a mirror with a smaller NA because it can focus more of the EUV
light.  ASML's next generation machine is the EXE5000, it uses the same
wavelength of light but increases the NA from 0.33 to 0.55 and can write a
line on silicon with 16 nanometer pitch not 26 with the older machine and
process 220 wafers an hour not 160 like the older NXD360D, it will even use
45% less electricity. The drawbacks to the new machine are it's even larger
and costs 400 million dollars, and yet everybody seems to desperately
want one. Apparently Intel wants one more than anybody else because they
have dibs on the very first one that rolls out of ASML's plant in 2 years.

ASLM is not allowed to sell its EUV Machines to Russia or China, but that
hasn't hurt the company because even without those markets they're selling
their machines as fast as they can make them and ASML now has a net worth
greater than that of one of its most important customers, Intel.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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