Funny that you keep fuming about paganism and don't recognize the most obvious 
global pagan legacy of them all: the seven day week. It appeared long, long 
before Christianity and it was most likely organized around the classical 
planets (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). In most western 
language (my native one being an exception, thanks to a particularly 
god-fearing Archbishop) they are still named after their corresponding pagan 
gods (Roman, but also Germanic in some languages / cases).


Am Mo, 14. Nov 2022, um 20:49, schrieb Philip Benjamin:
> No, nothing that complicated.  The Sabbath/Sabbatical is from PURELY &SOLELY 
> a Sola Scriptura of 7-day workweek with 7 th day as REST. This again is 
> PURELY & SOLLELY a Mosaic revelation. The extending of rest to 7 th day to 1 
> st day also could not have happened it were not for the 100% Jewish 
> membership of the early 1 st century Churches. Only a sky rending, 
> earthshaking event as Resurrection of the Messiah (YHWH) could have made that 
> unique change ( as in *Acts 20:7* ). WAMP-the-Ingrate is clueless!  So is the 
> “Sentence of Death (that includes spacefaring also). They love and cherish 
> the Sabbath/Sabbatical, but  hate the source in Genesis.  The 2-day weekend 
> is now universally accepted, generally from European 2000 years of belief 
> system and particularly of the seminal Roman Catholic system of education, 
> Seminaries, hospitals, military, and civilian calendars. No other 
> civilization or history or belief systems of any other people (heathen= 
> foreign to Israel, or Gentiles= nations, a British invention). Fanaticism of 
> WAMP against that tradition is more than irrational.
> *Philip Benjamin*
> *From:* <> 
> *Sent:* Monday, November 14, 2022 8:42 AM
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
> Sure. Now here I specifically use the Wikipedia version, as opposed to the 
> horribly un-navigable Britanica description. I refer to math guy Giordano 
> Bruno, who studied deeply, the The RC Church's theology, as well as the 
> Church teachings of the Protestant Reformation, and found them wanting. His 
> own beliefs or proposals was that there were many, intelligent species in the 
> cosmos, and that Bruno agreed with Copernicus and Galileo. He also proposed 
> also, that these intelligent species also did have a messiah, and if I read 
> him correctly, one messiah issued per, race, species, whatever? So yeah, 
> would these other 'peoples' be* pagan *is your view?
> Maybe they have their own Sabbaths?  I look upon the man, Brunio, 
> philosophically, as a hero, and a martyr for our species. They burned him at 
> the stake because they saw him as a threat to their hunger for power. 
> Whatever these old Churchmen were, they were in no sense, good guys. Like Abe 
> Lincoln said during the US Civil War, *"I don't worry that God is own our 
> side, I am more concerned that we are on God's side."*
> Here are my 2 quick sources, read them if you wish? So are smart aliens 
> pagans if they follow Bruno' thought, yes, if they had a messiah and 
> sabbaths? Was Bruno a pagan (as we all are in your view?), and are you going 
> to defend the actions of the old, Church fathers, because the loved Jesus. 3 
> questions. No crucifictions by me, in any case, (a wicked pharisee or pagan), 
> just online philosophy, vote up or down. 
> Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia 
> <>
> Giordano Bruno | Biography, Death, & Facts | Britannica 
> <>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Benjamin <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sun, Nov 13, 2022 2:08 pm
> Subject: RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
> [*Philip Benjamin*]
>     That question “Would you think that an a non-human advanced civilization 
> is pagan?” is not uiderstood properly by the term “pagan” pan-Gaia-n means 
> earth centered or earth-worshipping, or earthlings etc., not used in KJV.  
> Heathen meaning foreign, nations, strangers and mostly as transliteration 
> from Latin ‘gentilis’ (derived from gene). Could the English want to be 
> called “heathen” for themselves? Probably not; hence the gentiles!   The 
> Sabbath and Sabbatical is PURELY & SOLELY from Genesis of Sola Scriptura. 
> NEVER EVER before used by ANY OTHER source. Of course, WAMP-the-Ingrate hate 
> and ridicule  that “source”, but love the Sabbath rest and Sabbatical 
> freebee. No culture, no history, no astronomy or astrology or any 
> civilization (including spacefaring of tomorrows) could have invented, 
> discovered or coined SABBATH anywhere else—the seven-day week with 6 th day 
> rest. In Genesis it was a sovereign decree, first ever in human records.  So 
> alo the “Sentence of Death”—no spacefaring civilization can escape, unless  
> cancelled by the Sentencer.   
> *Philip Benjamin  *
> *From:* <> 
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 12, 2022 4:27 PM
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
> Would you think that an a non-human advanced civilization is pagan? Or, do 
> are you like Giordano Bruno who proposed many worlds and was burned at the 
> stake? A plurality of saviors for each species as it were? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Benjamin <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sat, Nov 12, 2022 1:17 pm
> Subject: RE: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> On 
> Behalf Of Tomasz Rola
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 4:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: What If Humanity Is Among The First Spacefaring Civilizations?
> [Philip  Benjamin]
> How will be the first FUNERAL of a duper super spacefaring "civilized" space 
> person? Or is s/he eternal-- never dying? What "command" from that space 
> director (boss?) for immortality? Will the spacefaring civilization also die 
> (perhaps with insubordination).  
>     Note: The command was 7-day workweek was from "Sola Scriptura" and 
> nowhere else from the whole universe! WAMP-the-Ingrate ingratiate with 
> themselves on Sabbath/Sabbatical, though the command for its origin is only 
> in Sola Scriptura and is hated! So also was the FIRST decree or verdict for 
> the "Sentence of Death" for human insubordination and subsequent funerals.  
> Philip Benjamin
> [Tomasz Rola]
> "You had not mentioned if it was a satire. I might want to watch something 
> comical titled like this.  If it is not a satire, then I presume it is some 
> kind of pompous content. 
> From my point of view, humanity is not spacefaring. It has hardly got its 
> toes wet a bit, shouted "cold" and went back to business as usual. Also, 
> whether there is civilization on the planet might be a bit disputable. When 
> did it started, if ever - was it fifty years after last burning of 
> books/people? If a burning happens this decade, does it mean we are still 
> civilized - or never were?--
> Regards,
> Tomasz Rola
> --
> ** A C programmer asked whether computer had Buddha's nature.      **
> ** As the answer, master did "rm -rif" on the programmer's home    **
> ** directory. And then the C programmer became enlightened...      **
> **                                                                **
> ** Tomasz Rola            **
> --
> .
> -- 
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