Sorry, I obsess. If I'd have my druthers, I'd druther have the lads at RIKEN in 
Japan create a fail-safe Thorium 232/U233 reactor to power civilization for the 
next 10 millennia, then a nice, atomic clock. Moreover, some years ago, the 
Canadians left their original Candu reactor (Th232-->U233) in a heavy water 
reactor (deuterium) and went Yankee light water. Cheaper, I expect. But, you 
knew that already

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 5, 2023 2:08 pm
Subject: Thorium Nuclear Clocks

Existing atomic clocks are stable to within 1 part in 10^20, if two of them had 
been synchronized 13.8 billion years ago during the Big Bang today they would 
disagree with each other by less than 1/100 of a second. But scientists want 
something better, they want to make a nuclear clock, which works by measuring 
the oscillation of the protons in an atom's nucleus, not an atomic clock, which 
works by measuring the oscillation of an atom's electrons. The basic reason for 
this improvement in precision is that an atom is about 10^-10 meters across but 
a nucleus is only about 10^-15 meters across, that's a very small antenna and 
so is far less susceptible to picking up environmental interference,  so a 
nuclear clock would be at least 10 times more accurate than an atomic clock

To make a nuclear clock you need a Laser to stimulate a nucleus to a precise 
level but, although there are about 3000 different nuclei you could use, with 
only one exception they all have transition levels in the Gamma or hard X-ray 
region and it's impractical to make a laser with a frequency that high. It's 
been known for a long time that the energy transition level for an isomer of 
Thorium-229 is remarkably low, only about 8 electron volts, that's in the 
ultraviolet range and making a laser in that range is entirely feasible if you 
know the exact frequency, unfortunately  "about 8 electron volts" is not nearly 
precise enough. But thanks to a new measuring technique and a new paper in 
Nature,  it's now known to be 8.338 electron volts and the half-life of the 
Thorium 229  isomer is found to be 670 seconds. That's still not precise enough 
to engineer a laser that can excite Thorium-229, but with this new measuring 
technique researchers are pretty confidence it's only a matter of time before 
they have an even more precise number. 
With a GPS system based on a Thorium nuclear clock you could easily know your 
position to a fraction of an inch versus several feet with the current GPS, it 
would be so good the navy could use it to land jets on aircraft carriers 
automatically even in heavy seas. And it could also enable you to measure very 
very small changes in the gravitational field because the stronger the gravity 
the slower the clock, and that would let you make detailed underground maps. A 
nuclear clock would be so accurate you could even test to see if some of the 
fundamental constants of nature are really constant or are changing with time. 
Observation of the radiative decay of the Thorium-229 isomer and its use in 
nuclear clocks
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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