On 07/22/2011 01:19 PM, Johnny wrote:
Hi all,

As the headline, how to remove the Evince scroll-bars, and possibly also
top menus? Alternatively, how to darken the scroll-bars altogether. Usage case
described below.

I am an enthusiastic user of C-I for inverting colors in Evince to get a
nice black backgroud for my pdf documents. Many times I run a split
screen with emacs/shell in parallell to test examples/take notes. Now,
the evince scroll-bars are broad bright dividers of the screen, not
terribly intrusive but would be nice to remove/darken.

This obsession of a minimalist and unobtrusive interface became
aggravated after I started using stumpwm as tiling window manager, and
it would be awesome to be able to streamline Evince into this obsession!

Thanks for any help!


Evince gets its visual appereance from the theme applied. The default theme for GNOME 3 is called Adwaita. I think you can tweak the css files of Adwaita to get the desired look for gtk3 applications in your
stumpwm environment.

In Fedora 15, these are the CSS files for adwaita:


I hope this helps you,

  -- Juanjo Marin

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