Excerpts from Dr. Martin Senftleben's message of jue may 31 09:53:11 +0200 2012:
> Hi,
> I'm not subscribed to the list, but want to make use of the option to
> writze to the list without being subscribed (I'm in too many mailing
> lists anyway).
> I noticed for a long time that evince doesn't handle preset printers
> from CUPS properly. I have one printer, but various settings which I
> have named differently, e.g. for the selection pf the paper tray, or to
> print on foto paper and so on, to avoid having to change all the
> settings each time i want to print.
> Now, if I select one of these printers in evince, the settings are not
> applied unless they had been used there before. E.g. I have one printer
> set to print duplex from paper tray 1, and one to print one sided from
> paper tray 2.
> If the last print was from paper tray 2 and one sided, it is still set
> this way when I select the other printer which is supposed to print
> duplex. And vice versa and so on.
> Is that a known bug, and can anything be done about it? I've used evince
> for several years now under different settings (Linux Mint and Kubuntu),
> currently version 3.2.1, but the problem is all the same no matter which
> environment it works in. It's all 64bit.

Evince uses the GTK+ printing system, the problem is likely a bug in
GTK+. I suggest you to file a bug report in bugzilla.gnome.org gtk+
product, printing component.

> Regards
> Martin

Carlos Garcia Campos
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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