I have tested MComix before and found Evince is more to my liking,
particularly the way MComix handles High Res Comic scans (e.g.
2600x4000 images) as compared to Evince (tested on Arch Linux and Mint
under VirtualBox).

WinRAR is installed (recently upgraded to v4.20), and contains the CLI
version. I have tested both the exe from WinRAR and the free Unrar
(both RARlabs versions) by moving them into the Evince's bin

On invoking Evince from Windows CLI, I got this error(s):

(evince.exe:952): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due
to error parsing markup: error in line 1 char 18: Invalid UTF-8
encoded text in name - not valid '\x94\u0002'

1. This error only occur if I move UnRar.exe to the bin directory.
Without it, Evince displays the "no command found to read document"
error in the GUI

2. When those errors appears in the CLI, the GUI displays "Unable to
open document" error, without any further explanation.

3. If that error doesn't appear in the CLI, the GUI also displays
"Unable to open document" but have garbled text on the 2nd line.

4. The invalid UTF-8 code in the CLI error message varies with CBR
file it tried to open. I'm guessing it varied with the CBR filename.
Tried to make the CBR filename in old DOS 8.3 format but same error
still occur.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Genghis Khan
> Sent: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 16:07:23 +0200
> To: evince-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: [evince] Setting up Evince to read CBR files in windows
>Try MComix in case your problem will not be solved.
>Homepage: http://mcomix.sourceforge.net/
>In order to to read RAR/CBR archives, either rar or unrar has to be
>installed. Alternatively, MComix can also make use of Unrar.dll/libunrar.so.
>The library should be placed either in your default system library
>directory, or directly in MComix root directory. To open 7Zip archives, the
>7z executable is required.
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