James Cloos <cloos@...> writes:

> >>>>> "G" == George  <gheine@...> writes:
> G> Sometimes when running the document viewer, get an icon that I don't
> G> understand.  It appears to be a piece of text with a hand and a plus
> G> sign in the upper left corner.  I posted a picture of it at
> G> http://www.mathnmaps.com/evicon.png .
> My guess is that is a Drag-n-Drop cursor.  Were you to move the cursor
> to another app's window and release the mouse, and if my guess is right,
> evince would try to send the document to that app, via the XDND
> protocol.
> cf:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_selection#XDND
> If you get that w/o the mouse button down, there might be a synchronization
> issue or you might have activated one of the assistive modes.
> -JimC

Thank you for your reply.  Drag-n-Drop does sound like a likely candidate. 
It appears that the icon does appear in response to a left mouse button
press; usually the intention is to simply scroll the document, but sometimes
the  cursor drifts outside the document viewer window.  So
synchronization/assistive mode are likely not culprits here.  

However, once the mouse button is pressed, the cursor drifts outside the
viewer window, the icon does appear, and persists for at least a number
of seconds.  Is there a way to disable this behavior?  Will it happen
in fullscreen mode?  Is there a keyboard or mouse shortcut to tell the
viewer "No, not interested in dragging to a different app"?  Personally
I would use the command-line for such things.

Forgot to mention in previous post: am using evince 3.4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

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