<third time lucky, the problem was the list address>

Those files were never supposed to ever be in libedataserver, that was a
hack that someone came up with for some reason, but I don't know what it
was.  They are specifically and only for email accounts, which do not
belong in eds.

This appears to be the only reason libedataserver/e-account.h exists:


But surely this sort of stuff should be in a plugin now, shouldn't it?

On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 17:01 +0530, Shreyas Srinivasan wrote:
> Hey,
> Hmmm.. so I crossed tht first hurdle of Splitting the components into a
> component and a shared library ( will send patches later). Now i hit the
> second road block. The whole effort of this was to get Evolution
> Exchange building on MAC. So when i build the exchange plugins i get
> the 
> following errors.
> usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _e_account_list_set_ddefault
> /opt/gnome-2.12/lib/libedataserver-1.2.dylib(e-account-list.o)
> definition of _e_account_list_set_default
> ../../e-util/.libs/libeutil.dylib(e-account-list.o) definition of
> _e_account_list_set_default
> /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _e_account_list_change
> /opt/gnome-2.12/lib/libedataserver-1.2.dylib(e-account-list.o)
> definition of _e_account_list_change
> ../../e-util/.libs/libeutil.dylib(e-account-list.o) definition of
> _e_account_list_change
> /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _e_account_list_construct
> /opt/gnome-2.12/lib/libedataserver-1.2.dylib(e-account-list.o)
> definition of _e_account_list_construct
> ../../e-util/.libs/libeutil.dylib(e-account-list.o) definition of
> _e_account_list_construct
> /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _e_account_list_find
> /opt/gnome-2.12/lib/libedataserver-1.2.dylib(e-account-list.o)
> definition of _e_account_list_find
> ../../e-util/.libs/libeutil.dylib(e-account-list.o) definition of
> _e_account_list_find
> /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _e_account_list_get_default
> /opt/gnome-2.12/lib/libedataserver-1.2.dylib(e-account-list.o)
> definition of _e_account_list_get_default
> As can be seen, this is because the symbol "e_account_list_set_default"
> is actually present
> in two libraries libedataserver-1.2.dylib and libeutil.dylib. The
> exchange plugin links to both these libraries. I am told that the
> e-util/e-account<blah> is deprecated but still there is a 
> lot of code using it, I would like to be *enlightened* on this wisdom.
> Also are usage of e-util/e-account.c and 
> e-util/e-account-list.c interchangable with
> libedataserver/e-account.[c,h] and libedataserver/e-account-list.[c,h] ?
> The only solution my measly brain could figure out till now was to move
> the redundant files
> out of libeutil.dylib ( remove those files from makefile ) and then
> change all references 
> of e-util/e-account* with libedataserver/e-account* ofcourse most of the
> libs already link to 
> libedataserver-1.2 anyway so this shouldnt cause too many problems if
> the two sets of files are interchangable. ofcourse in my jest i seem to
> have committed the proxy files only to e-util/*
> but i hope thats the only difference,
> Cheers,
> Shreyas

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