Hello I am new to this list. I've checked the list archives and done some googling but to no avail so I'm turning to you guys.

I'm trying to learn how to use libcamel (initially for MIME parsing) but I'm having compiling/linking problems. Here is my Hello World program (taken from the wiki). I'm not sure if I should attach it or cut and paste or what so here's a link to it...


This is what happens when I go to build it...

gcc `pkg-config --libs --cflags camel-2.0` -o camel_hello_world camel_hello_world.c
./camel_hello_world: error while loading shared libraries: libcamel.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

but libcamel.so.0 exists in /usr/lib64/evolution/2.0 (it's a symlink to libcamel.so.0.0.0)

I am running Fedora Core 3 on (dual) amd64.

I don't know where to start looking for answers so any help would be ...uhm, helpfull.

Thank You

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