> > > Now I think it is best to use bonobo to connect to the e-d-s. But because 
> > > I
> > > have no experience in doing this, and do not program in C, (only Python), 
> > > I
> > > would be very happy if someone could give me an example on how to do this.
> > > The only documentation I found gives .h files for use in C, and although
> > > they may be perfectly clear for experienced C programmers, for me they are
> > > hullabaloo.

You can also look at http://revolution.rubyforge.org cvs for examples
on how to use the ECal apis (it's a Ruby binding for e-d-s).

 OTOH you are welcome to collaborate on the
http://www.go-evolution.org/SWIGforEDS initiative to generate SWIG
bindings for e-d-s. Right now it only wraps basic calendar operations
with ruby but generating an equivalent python binding ought to be easy
(a file around 300 loc). Your help will be greatly appreciated ;-)

   V. SeguĂ­
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