
that's been a confusing email, mixing up "sylpheed" and "evolution". :-)

Am Samstag, den 18.08.2007, 18:50 +0200 schrieb Michael Schmidt:
> I want to request to add an instant messenger to sylpheed mail client.
> there is a serverless one out here:
> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=618174

no, what we definitely don't need in the (wider) GNOME platform is
*another* instant messenger.

> Please can you add it, so that online and offline communication meet
> under one gui?

no. currently evolution supports syncing with pidgin/gaim. furthermore,
improved general IM integration is discussed.

> That done, we could offer it to open office as a component:

i have no idea what this has to do with evolution at all...


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