Hi Gia,

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Giacomo Ghidini <gia.ghid...@gmail.com> wrote:

< snip>

>      * Where can I find a getting started tutorial that describes how
>        to develop a simple EPlugin and how to hook up into EVolution's
>        email creation, calendar and address book subsystems?
IMHO the best place to start off with writing is to look at the source
itself. All the e-plugins are available in 'plugins' directory in the
evolution source.
The necessary documentation is available here:

>      * What are the limitations related to hooking into Evolution
>        (perhaps, hook ups are missing for certain objects)?
Ideally we should have hookups at every possible object in Evo, but
well its not an ideal world and there are certain limitations.
Ofcourse, you are more than welcome to actually contribute to
enhancing the e-plugin architecture. :). Heres a list of all the
plugins that are available in Evolution currently:

There are wide variety of plugins listed, should give you an idea as
to what can be done. (At the least you will know what *has* and could
be done)

>      * What should my EPlugin project directory be organized?
it should go to evolution/plugins directory (
http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/evolution/trunk/plugins/ )

>      * Can I use C, C++, C# w/ Mono, any other languages/platform?
You surely can use C (Evo, is almost entirely written in C). Am not
sure about other language bindings.

>      * How do I build my EPlugin?

>      * How do I add an EPlugin to an existing Evolution installation?
Developer Docs for EPlugin -



Parthasarathi S A
E-mail : ajaysusarla at gmail dot com
Where i'm going, I don't need a road.
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