On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 14:24 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> In theory you should be able to pass the EContact's URI as a
> command-line option to Evolution to invoke the editor, but I'm not
> certain if this works at the moment.
> Looking at the code that handles the URI, it seems to expect a
> contact:// scheme and "source-uid" and "contact-uid" parameters, but I
> don't have an example handy.  Hopefully the EContact's URI gives you
> something close to that form.  You'll have to play around with it.
> Matthew Barnes

Thanks Matt. I've found the contact-uid by querying the EContact pointer
via e_contact_get_const(contact, E_CONTACT_UID), but I can't seem to
find the "source-uid" anywhere.

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