> The release team is gathering comments from various teams to get a
> proper idea of which of March or September 2010 is more appropriate
> for the release of GNOME 3.0. The decision for the release date is
> following what we set in the 3.0 planning document [1]: we want 3.0 to
> be out in 2010, but we also want to make sure that 3.0 is rock-solid;
> your input will help us take an informed decision.
> It'd be great if someone could summarize the status of the work that is
> being done in your team, and how March or September would work for
> you.  We know that evo has been moving lately, and is still moving a
> lot, so we think it's important to get your input!

The Evolution team has put a great deal of effort into moving off of
deprecated libraries and API, which (except for the GnomeCanvas issue)
we're just about finished with.

Migrating Evolution and E-D-S off of Bonobo has been a seismic shift for
the project, and while we're still dealing with some aftershocks I think
we're on track for having the remaining issues worked out by 2.30, if
not sooner.

So I think we could be ready for a March release of GNOME 3.0 if that's
what release team decides on.

That said, historically "rock-solid" and "Evolution" are seldom used in
the same sentence, and I know that we could certainly benefit from an
extra six months to focus on polishing and bug-fixing.

Matthew Barnes

Evolution-hackers mailing list

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