Hi all,
I¹m writing an application that will download our company¹s root
certificates and store them on a PKCS11 token (Aladdin eToken) and configure
Evolution to use that store as a certificate store. The way I configured
Evolution was by following the instructions on
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/ApplicationSetup (bonobo-slay; modutil
-add eToken -libfile /usr/lib/libeTPkcs11.so -mechanisms RSA:DSA -dbdir
That works fine, its just that the root certificates show up in ³Contact
certificates² tab in Evolution, not in ³Authorities². So if I can¹t store
the root certificates on the eToken, where do I put them so Evolution will
trust them as trusted root certificates?


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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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