On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 08:52 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> I'm only waiting for an opinion from Matthew, then I'll happily change
> the build script.

I guess I don't have a strong attachment to it.

ChangeLog files are technically part of the GNU Coding Standards [1],
and strictly speaking the product we ship is our tarball releases, not
our version control system, so there's an argument to be made that we
should ship a complete log of changes in our product updates.

That said, the GNU Coding Standards were written in an age before
distributed version control, and its relevance is debatable nowadays.
And I agree 'git log' is more practical for researching change history.

We could limit the log to changes since the last major release (3.6.0
currently, then start clean after 3.8.0 ships) to keep the file size
under control, but if you'd strongly prefer dropping it entirely then I
won't complain.

Also, just for the record, the script snippet I'm using to generate the
ChangeLog file comes from https://live.gnome.org/Git/ChangeLog.


[1] http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Change-Logs.html

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