 I upgraded a 3 week old version of evolution to the latest found in
red-carpet. All of my mailboxes are no longer becoming bold when a new
message shows up. Is this someting that i can alter in an xml config
file? or is this a broken behavior? I did not want to bugtrack it until
i knew what the deal is...

|  Douglas Elznic  |        GPG Key: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0x13300731        |
|  Thinker-@-Large | Pub Key:  http://web.syr.edu/~dfelznic/dfe.asc    |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Fingerprint:                                      |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | EF9C 7E3C 0327 EAAF 1E20 5299 0805 7531 1330 0731 |
| http://anize.org | All emails should be signed by the above key.     |
|        Blessed are the geek, for they shall inherit the earth.       |

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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