Hi All,

I just checked in some changes to vfolders that may affect people:

 - fixed some bugs but probably introduced others
 - vfolders get opened at startup (in another thread, asynchronously)
 - i think all changes to vfolder definitions should properly and
immediately be reflected in any open folders, operations from teh shell
should work more or less as expected
 - vfolders still dont (yet) update directly on content change of source
 - vfolder uri's have changed.  This means that any vfolder that
references another vfolder will NOT work right (including UNMATCHED,
etc).  I was going to put in a little temporary fix to get around this,
but didn't get to it (and now its 4am and i dont care so much).  But if
you have this problem and its a big one, let me know and i can do it
next week, if you dont want to fix them yourselves.

  The uri has to change from being like
   "vfolder:Mail to GNOME"
   "vfolder:/home/notzed/evolution/vfolder#Mail to GNOME"

Where /home/notzed/evolution is whatever matches your own 'evolution

I had a couple of crashes during testing, but i'm not sure its related
to this new stuff.

The changes on the surface are minor, but behind the scenes things have
been made a lot cleaner, and more code is shared now with the imap
evolutionstorage, etc.  vfolders are no longer a 'special case' folder
opening, it just uses a direct uri->store->folder path, as is used for
imap and local folders.  But since they're always opened, you may notice
more memory use at startup.


evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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