
I have been working with beta 3 for some days now. Most of the
possibilities are great, but of course I do have some remarks. The
sources are here on my system, if the powers that make this want me to
run tests or anything please let me know. I do not have the time to
delve into the sources but I can spend time on helping to find bugs.

Setup is a slackware 8 system with two imap accounts. Allthough I did
remove one account. evolution just was not able to work with an imap
account with over 130 folders and a flow of 800-1000 mails per day :(.
Just the registering of the folders took more then three minutes on a
900Mhz system.

        * after starting, messages in the INBOX are not filtered. After
          selecting all (CTRL-A) and then "apply filters" (CTRL-Y) are
          the messages filtered and moved to different folders. messages
          coming in after this do get filtered automatically
        * When reading mail in another folder, incoming messages in
          INBOX do not get filtered. Selecting INBOX will filter the
          messages automatically after the selection of the mailbox
        * leaving evolution running for more then 30 minutes makes it
          stop working the statusbar fills up with messages about
          generating UID, reading folder(..) and so on.
        * doing a search recipients contains <something> on a 2000
          messages folder does not return anything. I had it run, went
          for a coffee and when I came back there was still nothing.
          Running it as a filter had the same effect
        * every so often, after starting evolution, no messages are
          shown in the INBOX, stopping evolution and starting it again,
          fixes this
        * filtering on maillinglist is broke, 6 out of 10 times it will
          not recognize a message.
Hope this helps fixing stuff 

Ron Smits

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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