They recommend you do the SA install via the cpan installer.
It checks to make sure all your dependencies are met.
Itz a long install. 

I don't think there is a way to do your own webmail unless you have
your own domain to send it to. 

If you do, then SQWebmail is not a bad choice. But it only supports
Maildir (the QMail/D.J.Bernstein mailbox format).

That means sendmail is out. You can use postfix or qmail as your
mail server. If you read the release notes for postfix you keep
seeing the recuring phrase "incompatible with previous version"
showing up. I gave up on postfix. That leaves qmail.

Qmail then leads you to the need for adding mx records on your
DNS resolver. That leads to using D.J.Bernsteis's tinydns. Funny
how that happenz!

tiny DNS is real nice. Trouble is all you want is webmail. That
means a lot of work! Qmail, Tinydns, Sqwebmail. It took me
a more than a few weekends to get it working.

I had an additional constraint where I wanted an ssl connection
to an interior mail server. I never got that working. So I just
use Qmail with Mutt or Evolution.

You could also setup your own IMAP server if you have your
own domain. But less employers are likely to give you an
IMAP port proxy then an http port proxy.



On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 06:28:17PM -0700, Richard Crawford wrote:
> Yeah, I just downloaded the tarball from CPAN.  It's currently sitting,
> still as a tarball, on my computer, because I haven't figured out how to
> install it yet.
> Actually, a higher priority for me right now is to get some sort of web
> interface going on my computer; since I'm going to start a job soon
> which will require a bit of travel, I'd like to establish a way of
> checking my e-mail via the web while on the road.  Requirements are that
> I can read/delete/send mail via web while still being able to check the
> same mailbox with Evolution while I'm at home.  Got any suggestions?
> On Sat, 2002-09-07 at 18:18, PeterKorman wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 10:04:46AM -0700, Richard Crawford wrote:
> > > I have used a couple of different approaches with these guys.  I
> > > frequently write them and ask for their credit card information or bank
> > > account information for identification verification.  Usually they don't
> > > reply, but I'm hoping that eventually I'll find one who's just as
> > > moronic as they think we are.
> > > 
> > > When I'm feeling lazy, though, I usually say, "I'm interested, please
> > > call me at 01-1-(202) 406-5850... which is the phone number that the
> > > Secret Service has set up for reporting these scams.
> > > 
> > > This site has some good accounts of one fellow who's done a good job of
> > > playing with these guys:
> > > 
> > > In the meantime, I've been having some issues getting Spam Assassin set
> > > up on my box.  I use Fetchmail to get my mail off a POP3 server which
> > > won't let me set up Spamassassin there, then I use Sendmail to put the
> > > mail into my inbox, which I check with Evolution.  Where in that chain
> > > should I put Spam Assassin?
> > > 
> > I think you can hook it right into sendmail.
> > 
> > I use SA as a filter in maildrop with QMail. It's great.
> > What I read said you could hook it right into qmail as a 
> > server filter but I got tired of playing with it. I got 
> > enough processor to squander whatever image activation 
> > cycles I incurr with my aproach. Plus, I'm the only user
> > on my domain who receives email.
> > 
> > You can also hook it into procmail:
> > 
> > sendmail -> procmail -> SA -> Mailbox.
> > 
> > How did you install SA? CPan?
> > 
> > --JPK
> > 
> -- 
> Slainte,
> Richard S. Crawford
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      
> AIM:  Buffalo2K   ICQ: 11646404  Yahoo!: rscrawford
> "It is only with the heart that we see rightly; what is essential is
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery
> vi vi vi - the editor of the beast


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