Le lundi 05 octobre 2009 à 22:31 +0200, Xavier Bestel a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm using Evo 2.28 on Debian, and I just tried to setup a WebDAV server
> to hold my contacts (apache 2.2.9 + mod_dav). My WebDAV server seems to
> work (at least I can access it with a browser or cadaver, and
> put/get/delete files on it), except under Evolution.
> When trying to access the contacts, e-d-s says:
> (process:28570): libebookbackendgoogle-WARNING **: PROPFIND on webdav failed 
> with http status 4
> Which is very weird, because I defined it as a WebDAV addressbook, not a
> Google one !

After trying to add a contact:

(process:28570): libebookbackendgoogle-WARNING **: create resource 
failed with http status: 4

Is that just a build issue with the debian packages ?


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