On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 10:40 -0500, Rheault, Rob wrote:
> Our Exchange servers at work were recently upgraded to Exchange 2007.
> I was able to get the exchange-mapi configuration setup so that I can
> send and receive email and I can also use the GAL. However, the only
> issue I am still having is that my Evolution calendar is not syncing
> up with Exchange 2007. Is there something that I am missing? I am
> using Evolution 2.28.2 and evolution-mapi 2.28.2 under Fedora 12. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.

Congratulations on getting this working as much as you have.  I am still
looking forward to doing the same.  That said, an immediate solution to
your calendar problem, if there is a problem with evolution-mapi and not
just your setup, is to use davmail for your calendar only.  I have
DavMail working reliably for calendar, imap and smtp support with
evolution and exchange 2007, but can't get GAL or my personal exchange
contacts working.

Anyone, what is the current state of evolution-mapi in the Ubuntu 9.10
repositories?  When I last checked, it was still crashing when

Art Alexion                                        

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