On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 11:31 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> I have a CalDAV to-do list.  The tasks all have a URL property that
> appears in Open Task -> Details: "Web Page".  And I can click on the
> 'go' button next to that field in the dialog and go to the web page.
> But right-clicking on a task in the task list view and selecting "Open
> Web Page" does nothing as far as I can tell.  Any tips?  The other
> mechanism [using the dialog] is rather more cumbersome.

there was a typo in the code, a bug, that prevented it to work. There is
no way to workaround it. I fixed it in:
Created commit a051d7e in evo master (2.91.1+)
Created commit d8a7342 in evo gnome-2-32 (2.32.1+)
        Thanks and bye,

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