On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 11:57 +0200, Patryk Benderz wrote:
> [cut]
> > The question is: Is it possible to have one account which uses Tor,
> > while the other is regular, and they work at the same time?
> [cut]
> There is a long waiting feature request for this:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=599463
> Subscribe to this bug and ask nicely - maybe someone will take pity on
> this/us and implement such a setting..

For the account which requires a proxy, assuming it's an IMAP account,
just configure Evolution to run 'socat' with appropriate arguments,
instead of making a network connection for itself.

That doesn't necessarily fix the SMTP side. In the case where you're
using *SSH* as your IMAP command, so you get single-sign-on to your IMAP
server using your SSH keys in ssh-agent, you can add something like
'-L 1587:mailserver:587' to the SSH command, then configure Evolution to
submit mail to localhost:1587 which will go through the port forwarding.

Perhaps we should fix the SMTP transport to allow a custom command too?
But then again, you can just let it deliver to localhost
(or /usr/lib/sendmail) and have something there take care of it


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