On 2015-05-04 at 10:15, Milan Crha wrote:
> On Sun, 2015-05-03 at 22:05 +0200, Jay Strict wrote:
>> ============================== snip ==============================
>> (evolution-calendar-factory-subprocess:1824): libecalbackendhttp
>> **:  The component does not have the  mandatory property UID
>> ============================== snap ==============================
>         Hi,
> that error may explain it. Use 'wget' to get the .ics file from the
> web and check its content whether it has the UID or not (just search
> for 'UID'). Based on the error messages there are not set those, at
> least not on some (if not all) of the components. Let the author know
> to generate the .ics file in a correct format [1] (I hope they do not
> claim too old version of the standard).
>         Bye,
>         Milan
> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2445#section-

Yes you are absolutely correct. The .ics file does *not* contain any UID
field, so it is corrupt (w.r.t the standard).

Buuuuuut, ... ;)

the .ics file is displayed on e.g. Apple iPhones without errors.
Furthermore the .ics file is provided by an institution which is not
technically adept. These people don't care about Evolution, they only
care whether the calendar can be displayed on their phones.
Trying to convince them to fix their website feels like fighting a
losing battle.

The Result:
1) I cannot use Evolution with this website so I am driven away from
2) Everybody who wants to try Evolution is put off if she sees that
Evolution can't handle these files (they get the impression that the
software on iPhone is superior to Evolution, even though the problem is
in fact the faulty .ics file)

Would it not be better to
1) display a warning that the .ics file is damaged and
2) try to display the VEVENTS, nevertheless?

But maybe it is too much of an effort...?

[On a side note, let me state that I feel it is a bug in Evolution that
Evolution does display the error messages *only* in the log files.
Regarding the GUI one gets the impression that the .ics file was
imported just fine.
Would you agree that this is a bug? Should I report it to the bug tracker?]

Kind regards,
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