
usually it would be important to know what version of Evolution you're
using, but in this case, what window manager or DE are you using?
Assumed the WM/DE doesn't care about GTK3 apps you could try
~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini to set up a theme.

$ cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
gtk-font-name=FreeSans 12

In my experiences dark themes are broken. I never have seen a dark
theme on my machine, that was usable for my needs. YMMV!

Btw. I'm using openbox with a theme I made myself, not everything is
Adwaita, but IMO it's worth to fall back to a theme, that easily
provides something that fits to GTK2, GTK3 and Qt settings.

If something is unusable, it isn't eye candy, so you should consider to
drop a broken theme for serious work.

Did you use HTML to set up colours? Once you've solved the colour
issue, only sent plain text to the mailing list.


PS and OT:

$ cat /etc/issue ; pacman -Q evolution
Arch Linux \r (\l)

evolution 3.16.3-1

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