On Thu, 2016-03-24 at 09:31 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
> to properly do any spam filtering evolution needs to download whole
> message and pass it to the spam-detection software
> (bogofilter/spamassassin). The error says that the message download
> failed, though the reason ("junk-test") is rather misleading.

This may be a red herring; it hasn't reappeared even though I've gotten
plenty of spam since then.

> I suppose evolution console doesn't show anything useful, does it?

By "console" do you mean whatever Evo prints to stdout/stderr?  I
normally start it from GNOME Shell and I have no idea where the output
goes.  However see below.

> Can you run /usr/bin/bogofilter and pass to it a message content, 
> which is supposed to check whether the message is or is not a spam,
> reporting it with the exit code? The command can be:
>    $ /usr/bin/bogofilter <~/.local/share/evolution/mail/local/...

I saved a spam message as mbox and ran bogofilter on it and it exited
with 2 (unsure).

> eventually with added argument --unicode=yes, if you have the convert
> to unicode checked. You can also try to run evolution with:
>   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=junk evolution
> to get some debugging around the junk processing.

OK I did this.  It's a little annoying that the debugging rarely flushe
s.  It took me a while to realize that I was getting no output just
because I hadn't waited long enough, then it spewed out in a big chunk

But as above, I see all spam email being determined inconclusive:

 Sender 'Wireless Security Camera Options 
<wirelesssecuritycameraopti...@croakita.top>' in book? 0
 Junk filter classification: inconclusive
 Message is determined to be clean

No matter how much I train I still get inconclusive.  So maybe this is
an issue with bogofilter not Evo.

One thing I don't understand is why my bogofilter wordlist file is not
being updated, unless I explicitly train (with CTRL-J to specify spam).
 Doesn't Evo train all email?
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