> I strongly disagree. 

That's your prerogative.  (As is top posting, not trimming content and
all that sort of thing.)

>  I should be able to place signature where I want it.  

Nobody has said you can't. What the OP was requesting was to not insert
the sig separator above the signature block by default.  I do not agree
with that.

> Right now this means calling up the signature, cutting it (Ctrl-X),
> moving the cursor to where I want the signature, and then pasting it
> (Ctrl-V).  I have had such "illegally" placed signatures go through
> several "bug company" e-mail servers without a problem.

It's nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with servers - other than they
shouldn't molest the sig separator in any way (See RFC3676 section
4.3). Nor is there any "legality" around where the signature should go.
Removing the content below the sig separator is to do with the MUA when
replying to emails. 

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