On Tue, 2019-01-08 at 16:04 -0800, Van Snyder via evolution-list wrote:
> My outgoing mail isn't sent directly from my own computer.  It's sent
> from an smtp server.  But the X-evolution-account setting is my own
> computer.  That is apparently interfering with some setting in the smtp
> server.  I get messages like this:
> <x...@berkeley.edu>: host aspmx.l.google.com[] said: 550-5.7.1
>     Unauthenticated email from jpl.nasa.gov is not accepted due to 550-5.7.1
>     domain's DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of 550-5.7.1
>     jpl.nasa.gov domain if this was a legitimate mail. Please visit 550-5.7.1
>     https://support.google.com/mail/answer/2451690 to learn about the 550 
> 5.7.1
>     DMARC initiative. cd2si22321609plb.39 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA
>     command)
> My IT service guys -- the guys supposedly knowledgeable about (maybe
> even administrators for) the smtp server, insist it's because the
> X-evolution-accunt setting is my own computer, not the domain name for
> the smtp server.
> I looked through all the settings for my mail account and didn't see any
> mention of my own computer, or X-evolution settings.
> So I did the following:
> # foreach f ( ~/.??* )
> # find $f -type f -exec grep -il x-evolution-account {} \;
> # end
> The only files it found were in .cache/mozilla, .mozilla/firefox, and
> files that are mail messages under .evolution.save and .local/share.
> Nothing in those files looked like settings.
> How can I cause the X-evolution-account setting to be the domain for my
> smtp server, not my own computer?
> Or does the above problem arise from some other cause?

Headers beginning with 'X-' are explicitly non-standard. They are used
in an ad hoc way by various bits of mail software and should not
normally be used to analyse spam. Furthermore, nothing in the error
message you quote above mentions the 'X-' header, so why do you think
it's causing the problem, or why do your sysadmins think so?

Note that your message to the list does not contain this header, though
it does have several other 'X-' headers.

I also note that your version of Evo appears to be really ancient
(assuming it's the one indicated by the Mailer header. The 2.x series
was discontinued a long time ago. This may or may not be relevant.


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