> On Thu, 2019-01-24 at 07:28 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> > On Wed, 2019-01-23 at 15:14 -0500, Paulo Cesar G. Costa wrote:
> > > Any ideas?
> > 
> >     Hi,I would try to run evolution from a terminal, maybe it shows some
> > errormessage there. You can also try to create a file in
> > that/home/pc/.config/evolution/signaturesjust to see whether the files can
> > be really created there.

Hi Milan,

Per your suggestion, I run Evolution from terminal, and tried to create two
signatures (titled "test1" and "test2"). 
Listed below are the steps I followed, with a description of what I saw, as well
as the associated terminal window output.


1) Initial setup - evolution opened from in terminal, no error messages

2) Create 1st signature
   -  > Preferences | Composer Preferences | Signatures tab > "Add" button 
     * [Add dialog opens]
   - Entered:
     * Title: test1
     * Signature text: "test1 - HTML was chosen"
   - Pressed Save and Close button
     * [No messages in terminal]
     * [file appears in signature folder:
   - highlighted "test1" in signatures window. 
     * ["Edit" button becomes available]
     * [error message appears in terminal:
Syntax error: redirection unexpected]
   - Clicked on the edit button. The following events happened: 
     * ["Edit Signature Script" windows shows up]
     * [error message in terminal: (evolution:18851): evolution-util-CRITICAL
**: 19:18:53.289: e_mail_signature_script_dialog_set_symlink_target: assertion
'symlink_target != NULL' failed]
   - Clicked "Cancel" button in the "Edit Signature Window"
     * ["Edit Signature Window" closes]
     * [no messages in terminal]
     * [folder still has 028566452f2702bbc64f7892cf15a03d54692be6 file in it]
3) Create 2nd signature
   - Clicked "Add" button 
     * [Add dialog opens]
   - Entered:
     * Title: test2
     * selected plain text on the drop-down button
     * Signature text: "test2 - Plain Text was chosen"
   - Pressed Save and Close button
     * [Add Signature window closes]
     * [test1 in Signatures window is highlighted]
     * [New error message in terminal:
Syntax error: redirection unexpected]
     * [New file in signature folder: 009503da0422d0e77e09bcb77814e33cf360d32e]
   - Highlighted "text2" signature title from the list
     * [New error message in terminal:
Syntax error: redirection unexpected]
   - Clicked on the edit button. The following events happened: 
     * ["Edit Signature Script" windows shows up]
     * [New error message in terminal: (evolution:18851): evolution-util-
CRITICAL **: 19:30:25.844: e_mail_signature_script_dialog_set_symlink_target:
assertion 'symlink_target != NULL' failed]
   - Clicked "Cancel" button in the "Edit Signature Script" window
     * ["Edit Signature Window" closes]
     * [no messages in terminal]
     * [Signature folder still has two files]

4) Exit Evolution
     * [25 identical error messages appear in terminal: (evolution:18851): Gtk-
CRITICAL **: 19:33:11.856: gtk_notebook_get_tab_label: assertion 'list != NULL'
     * [26th error message is slightly different: (evolution:18851): GLib-
CRITICAL **: 19:33:12.039: g_source_set_ready_time: assertion 'source->priv !=
NULL' failed]
     * [terminal returns to prompt]
     * [signature folder still has two files]

5) Open and exit evolution again
     * Same 25 identical messages appear when leaving, but the 26th don't. 
     * Signature folder still has two files

Note1: when either of the signatures created is selected, no text appears in the
text window below the "Signatures" window
Note2: later, I tried to use the signatures in dummy email messages. It came


It looks to me that the file is not being saved properly due to some malformed
redirection. Yet, the files are being saved correctly and when I do file
operations outside Evolution. For instance, I was able to move and copy files to
and from the signatures folder, using both the actual path
(/mnt/Mail/evolution/.config/evolution/signatures) as well as the associated
symlink (/home/pc/.config/evolution/signatures and
My file structure is:

> Home
     - pc
           - .config

> Mail
  -  .evolution
       - .config
            -  evolution
                 - signatures

A ls -acFlh command in /Home/pc (SSD1) will give you (among other things) the
drwx------  2 pc   pc   4.0K Jan 17 21:05 eog/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   38 Jan 20 21:20 evolution ->
drwxr-xr-x 2 pc pc 4.0K Jan 14 21:05 gedit/

Thus, given that:
1) I cannot find anything that would indicate an issue in the file system
2) The signature files are being properly saved by evolution in the correct
and the fact that the error messages point to a NULL symlink, my best guess is
that something internal to Evolution may be causing it to not follow the

Please, let me know if you have any hints on how to solve this.

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