On Fri, 2020-04-24 at 19:17 -0500, Christopher Marlow wrote:
> I have the bogo filter installed do I need to install the Spam Assassin
> filter and remove bogo filter or install both? Or only one? Which one
> is best?
> Evolution 3.34.4
> POP3

Stay with Bogo filter.


Broadly speaking Blackhole Lists used by SpamAssasin are probably useful
for servers, your ISP anyway might use one, but they could be a PITA,
too, since they tend to false positives.

Bogofilter does learn from the user, it learns very fast and does not
tend to false positives. The only pitfall of Bogofilter is, that it's
helpless against attacks, e.g. if thousands of brand new spam mails are
received within a second. In such a case SpamAssasin probably could be
an advantage, but only when used on the server, since when using it by
the mail client, the POP messages either way are downloaded, before they
get filtered. I only experienced such an attack once in my live. Usually
such attacks are already filtered by the ISP, even if we turn of the
ISP's filtering for our accounts.

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