Hi Folks, 

Returning to Evolution after seeing the mess that is Thunderbird 78. 

Have just installed Evolution version 3.30.5-1.1 (the default in

As per the subject, I am scratching my head on sending emails as "mail
merge" - this is where I can put multiple addresses in the "to" field,
send, and a little bit of behind-the-scenes magic means that each
recipient gets ONLY their address, they don't get other people's

It seems there may be a way to do this via Libre Office but I would
rather a decent method in Evolution itself if there is one? I don't
often do this but when I do it is important to respect the privacy of
each person in the group. 

It's also nice to see a few things I wanted in the past have shown up -
much thanks to the team!

Thanks in advance, 
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