On Tue, 2020-10-27 at 00:37 +0900, christopher via evolution-list
> Is there any way of doing the above?

there basically isn't. Or it is, but it requires a lot of work, with
which it would be too easy to break internal things.

I suppose your server account is IMAP or any such, nothing stored
locally. Evolution (or better libcamel) stores a local copy of the
summary information (basically what you see in the message list) for
each folder of that account in some format, plus it stores also already
downloaded copies of the messages. Constructing the summary file from
an .mbox file is possible, but it's really complicated process and it
can break things. After all, those are private application data.

You'll be much safer letting Evolution to create the summary on its
own. Just add the remote account and that's all.

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