On Fri, 2021-02-05 at 17:10 -0600, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
> Since I'm using IMAP, would it create any, heretofore unseen side
> effects to create 2 accounts in Evolution pointing
> to the same mail server.   One account would have the BCC (
> obviously, for using with clients) and the other one 
> would not and be used to handle the other 80% of my email.

IMAP doesn't send messages, it receives them. To send a message you
need sendmail or SMTP. You can create two accounts with the same SMTP
server settings, one with "None" for the receiving part - it's called
send-only account. These can be used as the From in the composer.

I do not know how you'd use the two IMAP+SMTP accounts, reading privat
mail in the account for the private correspondence and the work mails
in the work account? That could work too, but you'll have stored the
IMAP messages twice on the disk.

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