> > by Evolution. IOW this might be a missing feature for Evolution.
> > Actually I didn't check if such a feature does already exist for
> > Evolution, too. I just haven't seen one.
> Hm, if xdg runs the same script for all apps that want to open the
> default browser, it would be possible to get the window that is
> focused when clicking the link, to buffer that window information and
> after running the browser and losing focus, to immediately set focus
> back to the buffered window. So I was mistaken, xdg is good enough
> and should be usable to launch a script using wmctrl and maybe
> xdotool.

Yep, you can do anything you like - a process can easily determine its
parent.  You can do something as complicated as you like; you could
write a python shim that determined what to do with the link-open based
on a configuration file, recorded every link in a database, etc...

Highland Park Neighborhood Association
Adam Tauno Williams, Board Chair
Grand Rapids, MI.

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