On Mon, 2022-06-06 at 12:11 -0500, Tim McConnell via evolution-list
> My CPU usage goes to 50 - 100%. I'm reasonably sure it's
> something with WebKit due to the fact when I view the usage via Conky
> the one that is showing the Usage of my CPU is WebKitWebProcess.

it can happen when the message is large, which the logs, cron job
reports and the like usually are.

The message preview does some pre-processing of the generated HTML
content to make sure it's shown in the preview as expected, using
JavaScript, which can cause the high CPU usage. Which exact part is
responsible for this I do not know; I can be also completely wrong. You
can get a backtrace of the WebKitWebProcess to see what it's trying to
do when it's busy, for example with a command like this:

    $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" --pid=PID &>bt.txt

where the PID is the process ID to get the backtrace for. I do not know
whether it'll be of any use for you.

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