Dnia 24.10.2022 o godz. 12:49:00 Patrick O'Callaghan pisze:
> I briefly used Google Groups a long time ago, though I think it has
> changed since then. They do offer a fairly broad range of facilities,
> including email access, admin and moderator roles, and the focus on a
> specific topic (Evo), but:
> * No Reply To List (and I presume no proper List headers, though I
> haven't checked). Possibly a minor point for some.

I participate in a few lists hosted on Google Groups. Usually the Reply-To:
header is set to the list address, so there is no problem with replying to
the list. I also have checked now last email that I received from a Google
Groups hosted list and I see that there are List-ID, List-Post, List-Help,
List-Archive and List-Unsubscribe headers.

> * Members need a Google account to sign up. I anticipate that this
> would not please some people.

On the lists I'm subscribed to there are quite a lot of people who don't
have a Google account. Maybe this changed recently.

While it seems to be actually required to log in to Google to subscribe to a
group via Google Groups web interface, I am pretty sure a group admin can
still subscribe anyone, even without a Google account, because I do this all
the time on one of the lists where subscription is by admin only.

I'm not sure if the option to subscribe yourself by email (without going to
web interface) still works. If yes, then it may be the way to subscribe
without a Google account.

> * The group address is directly associated with googlemail.com,

You mean googlegroups.com, not googlemail.com ?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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