After seeing seveal times about printing issues and Evolution I decided
to find a solution to the issue. I worked over the weekend and figured I
would post my notes.

Setup: SuSE 9.0, KDE 3.1, Evolution 1.4, CUPS, HP Jetdirect Print

Issue: Evolution would only print A4 paper size and though you would
tell KDE that it was to use "US Letter" Evolution would still default to
A4. This meant that EVERY print would require a manual change of the
paper type to "Letter" from A4. The result would be that the job would
enter into the buffer of the printer and then disapear.

Cause: The issue (at least in my case) was that the print driver
specific to the print device was defaulting to A4. KDE was passing the
data to CUPS. CUPS was relying on the print driver to format the page

1) CUPS has changed security settings and so you have to open up rights
to allow the ability change print driver settings. (Per googled
conversation ->
2) Open "Print Manager" ('Menu'->Utilities->Printing). Select your
printer. Select "Properties" tab. Select the "Driver" Icon. Click the
"Change" button. Assuming you have the correct printer selected click
"Next". Their will be two options "Test" and "Settings". Select
"Settings" and all the avalable options for that printer type will
become available (ie. in the case of my HP4050 I had duplex, toner
settings, etc...) Their will be a section called "General" in which you
will see the page size as "A4". Click on it and select "Letter". Select
"OK" and "Finish". (if you get prompted for a password see 1) for
3) I restarted CUPS ('/etc/rc.d/cups restart') and Evolution. Printing
now defaults to Letter.

Hope this helps others,

Jeremey Wise

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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